Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Mu Dan Jiang

Omfg its been so damned long.
I haven't been updating due to my screwed modem.
And also cos I went to Johor for the Leo Forum,
which I will be blogging about with a hundred over pictures!
So anticipate that yea? :)

Im sooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired of sitting long hours in buses and cars.
I was in the bus for like, 5 freaking hours yesterday,
and this afternoon my dad just HAD to decide to go back to Penang.
I just got outta the car and my arse is so SORE.

Leo Forum in Johor this year was owhkay laaa...
I so couldn't stand the freakin cigarette smell.
It screwed up my throat and my nose and gave Lixian a fever.
I believe it did la anyway. =P

Well, will be blogging about everything else when I come back,
and when I get my modem fixed.

Tata people. :)

Owh yea!
You SO have to watch I Not Stupid Too.
I cried and cried like my mother had died (choi choi) throughout the entire movie.
It also teaches teachers and parents to try to understand their children.
And children to realize that their parents really love them,
and are scolding us just cos they love us.

A definite must see.


Monday, May 22, 2006

Morning Glow.

The next few days are going to be very loooooooooooong.
I've got Addmaths and Modmaths on Wednesday.
OMFG I am going to HATE Wednesday.
I just know it.

I can't do Addmaths for shit.
Yea yea, alot of you will go, "Eiiiy! I LOVE Addmaths!"
Or, "Addmaths is fun laaarrr!"
or or, "Addmaths is damn easy lor."

Well, I'm not like you people, owhkay?
I HATE Addmaths!
I only like it sometimes, when I get how to do it.
But these days, I just don't get it.
Maybe its cos my IQ is as low as the ground.
Or Im just plain stupid.

I can't wait til exams are over.
I hate not knowing how to do things.
I hate getting lower marks than some people.
I hate feeling stupid. Cos when I feel stupid I feel like a I don't belong.
Most of my freakin friends are so fucking smart.

Its bad enough that I'm in Arts,
that I didn't follow them into the whole Science thing,
and feeling damned leftout already.
And now I'm bad in Addmaths..


*screams and kicks erratically while pulling at my hair*

Sigh. I don't feel like I belong anywhere.
Its like I'm alone.

I'm scared.


Sunday, May 21, 2006

And here I am, pouring my heart onto these roof tops.. just a ghost.

I'm doing it again.
I have this urge to do things last minute..
Its like, My head just goes, "aahhh.. got two days laa. Later only practice acc/addmaths la."
And there I go, wasting two WHOLE days away.
Just like that.

And then, just a day before the exam.
I wake up at 11:30am (my normal weekend waking time),
and suddenly it hits me, hard in the face.
and I know SHIT about Accounts.
And then, my head goes, "panicpanicpanicpanicpanicpanic.."
And then I'll down myself a few cups of Nescafe Rich,
and stay up all night studying/doing exercises.

Sigh.. when am I ever going to change.

Do you wish to know why I'm constantly rude to you?

Because, I do NOT respect you.
And if I could, I would leave here and never come back.
And I would take my mother with me.
Then I shall watch you rot all by yourself.
Like you deserve.


Friday, May 19, 2006

Anthem of Our Dying Day

I notice that I've been blogging a whollleee lot lately.
Sigh. Its cos of exam stress.
I found that blogging/writing is a good way to release stress.
Watching anime is good too, but not advisable for in between study breaks.
I don't know bout you, but it distracts me.

I can't saying whether staying up the whole night yesterday was worth it or not,
but Im glad I knew what I was writing.. at least a little of it. =/
But still, I think it'll be an improvement from first term,
although I may not pass.
Mind you I got a 24 for Econs last term =.=
I was too embarassed to tell anyone.

Hopefully I'd get AT LEAST a 40 this term.
*prays veryveryveryvery x100 hard*

I feel like changing my blogskin again.
This is getting so boooorringg...

Bt its so difficlt to find a skin that I like. =/
And since I can't so SHIT with photoshop,
I have to resort to searching North, South, East and West,
High and Low, side to side,
for a blog skin that I can fall inlove with.
Choosing a blogskin is very much like buying a dress for a function,
say I.U. or somethin.
Not a very good analogy but my brain's not really functioning right now,
so yea.

I hafta go get ready for Mrs. Tan.
I originally thought of skipping it for some rest at home,
since I haven't been sleeping much or even at all these past few days,
and the stress is beginning to affect my judgement.
And I'm beginning to babble
and have what YC, the blogger from BlackJetta describes as,
Verbal Diarrhea.

Owhhh yeaaa.
I suddenly remembered that I had something to blog about,
I guess I'll do it later after I get back from tution.
If I'm still concious that is.

Owhkie dowhkie.


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Don't Wanna Try No More.

Sejarah II is right after recess.
After studying four #$@%^$%#%$@# days for it,
I hope I'm prepared.
And tonight, I won't be sleeping again.
Cos my Econs paper is tomorrow,
and I know SHIT bout Econs.
Owhkay la, I know abit. But not enough to even pass.
Congratulations to me.

Well. Wish me luck.
And good luck to every else who fears the wrath of Sej, too.
Or rather, unprepared for the ordeal.

Good luck. *salutes*

Tooodleeees. :)


Edit. at 3pm.

The first ordeal, Sej II, is over.
I won't say how I thought I did the paper,
Cos I'm afraid that I'll jinx it.

Next battle, Econs.


Work book? Check.
Reference book? Check.
Pn. Kok's notes? Check.
Stationary? Check.
Textbook? Check.
Coffee? Check.
Brain? Check.
Concentration? Check.
Determination? Check.

Estimated workload: 28 pages worth of workbook, half the reference book.
Estimated start time: 3:15pm.
Estimated finishing time: 2am.

State of worker:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Half dead.

Rainy Days

I just HAVE to release a bit of stress,
before continuing stuffing my brains with useless history facts...
Here goes.




Ah. Back to studyin.


Sunday, May 14, 2006

Take me away to a place where the sun shines its light down on the water.

I studied bab 1 of Sej yesterdaaayy.. so one down, 4 to go.
I think. Or was it more? =.=

Some of you may know that I went to China during the March hols,
and I did write a post on the first day of my trip there.
I was suppose to post on all 7 dayss..
then I got lazy. Hehe. =P

I was scrolling through all my pictures from China,
I took a total of 700 photos.
Photos of food, Huey-Wei and I, my mum,
Our mum's, historical shit and the likes,
and a whole load of scenery.
I never really had an appreciation for scenery,
until I went to China.

Almost every place in China is very picturesque,
savw their toilets.

I won't tell you the stories behind the pictures,
as it'll kill the dreamland-ish kinda feeling;
with harsh reality.

Everytime I look at these pictures,
I can still feel the cool breeze tingling (if there's such a word) my cheeks,
making them flush (hahaha save on blusher).
And I'd feel as if I were alone in that place, feeling completely at ease,
contented and.. happy.
And perhaps feel a little fear.
But fear, isn't always bad.
(Food for thought)

I hope it'll give you this effect too.

(Mind you, I took the pictures and I am NO good photographer. =P)

It looks like a painting, no?

The water works its way through every nook and creek..

Damn why is it senget-ed? =.=

The water reflects what is above..

Take me to a place where the sun shines its light down on the water..

.. or where there isn't any light at all.

And last but not leassttt...

Happy Mother's Day mummmmmmmmyyyyy!!!

I don't wanna type out anything about you or about us,
cos it'll just make me cry.

Just want you to know that I LOOOVVEE YOUU MUMMMMYYYY.

I chose to post this picture up, cos
She always gives me this look when she's annoyed at me.
In this case, I kept snapping ugly photos of her while she was eating
Hehehehe. =P

I love you anyway, mummy. :)

I'm tearing already.. ='(

Friday, May 12, 2006


And here I am, once again.
Wasting my time, when I should be studyin.
I know you people are quite sick and tired of hearing about exams.
I just KNOW that when I get my Sej and Econs paper back,
I'll be asking myself over, and over again-

"Why did I waste my time?? Why didn't I force myself to studyy??"

And yet, here I am, wasting my time again once more.
I wanna go shoppingg. :(
I wanna go for the barbeque party WeiJing's having. :(
I wanna see OldMan eventhough we haven't been getting along lately. :(
I don't wanna flunk my Econs and Sej and everything else. :(

So I'm gonna study right now.
Owhkay fine, maybe not right now. =P




This song is for you. Because,
To me, you have already died.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Wake me up when midterm is over.

You know, I was re-reading what I wrote in my previous, previous post.
The one about Pn. Chen.
I just realized that it was rather contradictory,
cos I was the one who was wrong wearing a coloured bra,
and it was her duty to screw me and tell me not to.

I don't know why I left this little piece of information out in that post,
but I wore the coloured bra purposely just to spite her that morning.
I just never thought she'd fall for it.

I reaaalllyyyy, REAAALLLYYY DESPISE her.
Yeaaa, and click here to find out why.

Hmm. Perhaps I should wear my bright lime green one tomorrow.
Just to spite her again.


I've got SO much to study.
I hope I don't fail anything this term,
but failing won't come as a surprise-
as I have no clue as to what Pn. Kok is talking about in class.
Partially cos I'm always daydreaming..
Sigh. I gotta rid myself of this habit. =/
I tend to lose concentration when it comes to the 7th period and so forth.

I don't know why, but I suddenly had the urge to blog,
although I have absolutely NOTHING to write about
which is why everything doesn't seem somewhat connected.
I'm just typing out whatever that comes to my mind..
and if you've actually read until here,
daaamnn, you must be free.
I don't know why you even bother sometimes. =P
But I appreciate it. :)

AH damnitt.
I've got so much ModMath homework.
And a retard teacher who can't speak English properly to teach me.
Mr. Loh.. omfg weiy.
AHHHH exams Im scared. =/

Abd Im totally addicted to the song Control Myself by LLCoolJ and J.Lo
and also Buttons, by PCD.
It keeps ringing in my head..

... and Charmaine is right. ALL my entries are self centered.
Save the I.U. ones, and the Pn. Chen ones.
I mean, the posts on Pn. Chen was about my hate (disgust is also quite an appropriate word)
for her and all,
but ultimately, the content contained mostly shit about her.
Its shit la, but still about her, right. =P

Gah. Im such a whiner.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

I'm Not Inlove.

Its 6 something right now,
and I don't feel like going to school.
School has become such a chore to me.
It holds no more interest to me.

I have no goal, nothing.
I am merely going through the motions
Day, after day,
After day.

All my emotions,
Anger, happiness, lonesomeness
are just something I feel,
and no more than that.

Gah. I don't wanna go to sccchoooooooooool. :(:(
And exams are just around the cornerr..
I hate exams. I mean, everyone hates em, yea.
I never really particularly disliked them,
until recently. When everything wasn't as easy as it was in form 3,
And I couldn't depend on my luck anymore.
Its going to be living HELL for the next 2 weeks.
And I hope I survive through it.

I feel like a kid complaining and begging her mom so she could stay home.

Friday, May 05, 2006

Strange Relationship

Bloody midterm is in less than 2 weeks
and I'm blogging when I should be studying.

For some people,
you may have read my post on Pn. Chen.
Sigh. I don't like bitching bout her here,
But seriously. She is SO asking for it.
I was wearing a coloured bra on Thursday morning,
And when I wear my PJ shirt its a little obvious la.

So anyways, she said to me,
"HweeChing, saya ini selalu tengok kamu memakai bra yang berwarna, tetapi saya tidak menegur you. Tapi sekarang, saya sudah tidak tertahan lagi. Kalau Pn. Lee tengok kamu memakai bra macam ni saya akan dimarah, tau. So what do you expect me to do, HweeChing? Hm? Hm? Should I just write your name in the discipline book?"

She said the last line with much glee,
and a very satisfied smile.
I bet you she had expected me to get on my knees and beg forgiveness.
But that morning I was so annoyed (Gah Im annoyed every morning la),
and I said rudely back to her,

"Owhkaylah teacher, just write la. Just write my name down. Its owhkay. Just DO IT."

Then she replied, with a little bit of anger,
"owhkay ar? I write you know."

"Yes laaa, 'cher. Save you the trouble owhkay? So you won't get in TROUBLE."
My last word was spat out with dripping sarcasm.

I was so tempted to say,
"Yes, you may write down my name since you're so afraid of Pn. Lee that you pee in your ugly too-short PJ pants everytime you talk or see her."

And my dear Zhareen was laughing her butt of the whole time.
I bet that really pissed my darling Pn. Chen off also.
Owh yea, there's this girl who tranfered from 4Batai in my class,
Sarah Leong. I mentioned her in my last Pn. Chen post also.
Well, Sarah has a very weak immunity,
and she's the siu cheh type, you know?
The kind that feels like fainting if the weather is too hot and stuff?
Yaah. She's really sweet, though. :)

So anywaaayy,
Since she had just transfered,
she hadn't done the kecergasan tests,
such as sit-ups, push-up, stretching, etc.
Sarah couldn't do sit-ups as she was feeling very weak.
She had told her condition to Pn. Chen,
but Pn. Chen insisted on her doing it.
So a few of us,
Zhareen, I and another 2 girls,
went up to her and told her abotu sarah's health condition
and how she cannot do strenuous excercises including sit-ups.

She exclaimed,
"Waahh. Semua macam gang ini datang gang up on me. Owhkay laa no need to do la Hmph."

Ahahahahahhaha stupid biatch.
Kiss my arse, yo.

Then afterthat, Pn. Chen proceeded to bitch about me to my classmates.
Ahahahahha funnnyyy.
She said things like,
Pengerusi 4Merbau has such a bad attitude..

Gah. You think I don't KNOW I have a bad attitude?
In fact, I put on my worse attitude when I'm around you.
Because thats what you DESERVE, darling Pn. Chen.
I seriously hopes she finds my blog one day.

She is a fricking chicken.
She is SO afraid of Pn. Lee.
Afraid is not a strong enough,
So, very very scared.

Sorry la k, but I seriously despise her.
No, not strong enough a word,
HATE. is the word.



I am so happy!
You guys made me feel so nicccee.
All the comments on my I.U. post,
both in the comment coloumn and my tagboard,
really brightened up my day!
You all made the time I wasted to upload the pictures and videos
very very worth it. :)
Thank You XieXie Arigato Terima Kasih Kam Sia! XD
Keep commenting yea? XD
I have such thick skin man.

And for those people who couldn't see the videos,
I think it was cos of your internet connection.
And also I think it was cos of the bandwidth overload,
since I uploaded so much things therefore needing to load alot when you all acess my page.
So um, next time when there's a post like that,
I'll split it into two for you people, k? :)

And I noticed that I had left out the last performance.
The Rosewood performance.
Sorry yeas! I was so tired and anxious to get the post over with
I let that slip in my haste.

Well, here are some random pictures from I.U. Day. =D
If you people want pictures of Yu Szen embaras-er dancing on stage,
go check out Dina's blog.

3 "hotchiqs"

Mr. Fazillie, the professional photographer that day. :)

I feel so ugly next to her. :)

Nigel Heath Ledger Tay. XD

And SerSiang is one happy man.

Er, we were thirsty? ;)

Debbie looking HAWT. Im jealouss. :(
Hahahahhaha XD

Pretty form 2 girls. :)

And hello to you too, JenWae. =P

Ahhh. My back hurts from sitting here stiffly for so long,
uploading photos.
The grand total of photos I uploaded for both my I.U. posts are:

113 photos
7 videos.

If this isn't hardwork,
I don't know what is.
Other than Chan Ra-Jin aka Chan Jian Ming
writing all 129 pages of his Scouts Jayadiri logbook la.
Thats just TOO rajin its almost psychotic weih.
Its good thing la though. =P

I hoped you all enjoyed the photos! :)





