Monday, May 22, 2006

Morning Glow.

The next few days are going to be very loooooooooooong.
I've got Addmaths and Modmaths on Wednesday.
OMFG I am going to HATE Wednesday.
I just know it.

I can't do Addmaths for shit.
Yea yea, alot of you will go, "Eiiiy! I LOVE Addmaths!"
Or, "Addmaths is fun laaarrr!"
or or, "Addmaths is damn easy lor."

Well, I'm not like you people, owhkay?
I HATE Addmaths!
I only like it sometimes, when I get how to do it.
But these days, I just don't get it.
Maybe its cos my IQ is as low as the ground.
Or Im just plain stupid.

I can't wait til exams are over.
I hate not knowing how to do things.
I hate getting lower marks than some people.
I hate feeling stupid. Cos when I feel stupid I feel like a I don't belong.
Most of my freakin friends are so fucking smart.

Its bad enough that I'm in Arts,
that I didn't follow them into the whole Science thing,
and feeling damned leftout already.
And now I'm bad in Addmaths..


*screams and kicks erratically while pulling at my hair*

Sigh. I don't feel like I belong anywhere.
Its like I'm alone.

I'm scared.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahaha....i used to hate add math too...A LOT.then just plain got used to it.....but that didnt happen till middle of chill for now yea.. =)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 8:45:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chingy, you CHOSE to go to Arts and so did I; so don't regret your choice! Unless you've changed your ambition to conquer the banking world or something ahha xD Chill, I'm gonna fail my mod maths. Thanks to WANTAN YK

Tuesday, May 23, 2006 9:10:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chingy i'll stick with you bout addmaths i can't do it for nuts.. cuz i jus can't

Thursday, May 25, 2006 10:39:00 am  

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