Monday, April 28, 2008

People just never see what's right infront of them... or maybe they do.

I arrived in Penang late afternoon yesterday, at around 4pm.
Everything's still the same; the sweltering heat, the food, totally nothing whatsoever to do...

I'll be staying in my grandmother's place til this Wednesday, and then taking the 5pm bus back home.
I've got so much work to complete, I guess I should start on it soon.

I'm just thanking God my cousin didn't disconnect the streamyx when he went to UK for work.

Mmmm wanna go partying again this week. I just can't seem to get enough.
But I have my whole life ahead of me... so I shall be patient. Heeee.

Gah gonna eat my authentic penang hokkien mee and do Mech.

If you don't see what's right infront of you, soon it will be too late.



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