I think I need counseling.
Ultimate boredom + Early month allowance = Buying shit I don't need

My lips look as if a mishap happened when injecting collagen ha ha.
No, I did not inject any collagen into my lips.
I just bought another pair of shades when I've 3 already.
Just please tell me it's pretty and that my RM20 was well spent.
Then I bought earrings. The 3 for RM10. They're cheap and pretty la... but I hardly wear earrings these days. If any of you have noticed.
Then I bought another pair of shorts. Which turns out, doesn't really look good on me.
I keep spending money like water money doesn't seem to stay put in my pretty Cambodian silk purse I spent like RM600 last month on GOD KNOWS FREAKIN WHAT and looks like I'll be starving the rest of the month AAHHHH (shut up Aiman I know I'm fat and starving abit won't kill me but I still don't wanna) and to feel better about myself I am now wearing my shades in my room with no sun while typing this post no it's not actually working but what the hell I paid RM20 may as well put it to good use even if it does mean wearing shades indoors SIGH I NEED COUNSELING LA like the ones where it's in a group and everyone goes up to confess (Hi everyone, I'm Hwee Ching and... I'm a shopaholic. I managed to spend RM600 this month on shit I don't even need. *Clapclapclapclap*) yeah you get what I mean right and I just feel like eating right now to kill the guilt for my uncontrollable spending but je suis grande and I... I...
I'll be off to Penang tomorrow morning to visit my grandmama, will be gone till Wednesday.
My cousin isn't coming with me, so that means I'll be left to my own devices.
There's no computer and no Astro (I think) and the weather is motherfuckingly hot.
I'll be bringing my whole mountain of Mech and Stats and Coremath work there to complete, and a book to read. I think I'll go insane.
I hope my mum will let me go to the beach alone.
A little suntanning would be nice...
Perhaps I'll discover something or see the light during those four days of solitude and end up gaining something ha ha ha NO LAH FUCK I THINK I'LL JUST GO INSANE LOR.
If only I had a laptop or something to bring along then everything wouldn't be so bad... I could go to free wifi places but I don't own a freaking laptop sigh damnit.
And I've a dumb Mech test the following Monday and Mr. Anuar says that if we do badly he'll write us a bad review WTF so bad do you think he'll go easy on me if I tell him that it's not that I don't do my homework and stuff but it's cos I'M STUPID?
Sigh. Anyhow. I am going to eat.
Ultimate boredom + Early month allowance = Buying shit I don't need

My lips look as if a mishap happened when injecting collagen ha ha.
No, I did not inject any collagen into my lips.
I just bought another pair of shades when I've 3 already.
Just please tell me it's pretty and that my RM20 was well spent.
Then I bought earrings. The 3 for RM10. They're cheap and pretty la... but I hardly wear earrings these days. If any of you have noticed.
Then I bought another pair of shorts. Which turns out, doesn't really look good on me.
I keep spending money like water money doesn't seem to stay put in my pretty Cambodian silk purse I spent like RM600 last month on GOD KNOWS FREAKIN WHAT and looks like I'll be starving the rest of the month AAHHHH (shut up Aiman I know I'm fat and starving abit won't kill me but I still don't wanna) and to feel better about myself I am now wearing my shades in my room with no sun while typing this post no it's not actually working but what the hell I paid RM20 may as well put it to good use even if it does mean wearing shades indoors SIGH I NEED COUNSELING LA like the ones where it's in a group and everyone goes up to confess (Hi everyone, I'm Hwee Ching and... I'm a shopaholic. I managed to spend RM600 this month on shit I don't even need. *Clapclapclapclap*) yeah you get what I mean right and I just feel like eating right now to kill the guilt for my uncontrollable spending but je suis grande and I... I...
I'll be off to Penang tomorrow morning to visit my grandmama, will be gone till Wednesday.
My cousin isn't coming with me, so that means I'll be left to my own devices.
There's no computer and no Astro (I think) and the weather is motherfuckingly hot.
I'll be bringing my whole mountain of Mech and Stats and Coremath work there to complete, and a book to read. I think I'll go insane.
I hope my mum will let me go to the beach alone.
A little suntanning would be nice...
Perhaps I'll discover something or see the light during those four days of solitude and end up gaining something ha ha ha NO LAH FUCK I THINK I'LL JUST GO INSANE LOR.
If only I had a laptop or something to bring along then everything wouldn't be so bad... I could go to free wifi places but I don't own a freaking laptop sigh damnit.
And I've a dumb Mech test the following Monday and Mr. Anuar says that if we do badly he'll write us a bad review WTF so bad do you think he'll go easy on me if I tell him that it's not that I don't do my homework and stuff but it's cos I'M STUPID?
Sigh. Anyhow. I am going to eat.
Labels: announcements, Bored out of my MIND
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