Now I know I've got to run away; I've got to get away...

Life has been BORING.
Same old shit everyday (with very minor variations): wake up, college, evening nap (sometimes I do homework at this time =.= ), homework and poker (poker is more of a bonding time for baby and I), sleep and then repeat cycle.
Then the weekend comes along.
Same thing with same people.
Sigh. I need some excitement.

Dina got UWC; Armand-Hammer, New Mexico, USA.
I am SO proud of her. I knew she'd get it when she told me she applied.
I do admit that I am envious too.
She'll be gone in August... soon, very soon.
Time is running out.
Slimy asked me to do this personality test, and it put me in this category which tells me more about my personality.
Everything that's written there... so fucking true man.
So true it's scary.
After you've been categorized, go to
to find out more about your category.
Tells you many things you never really noticed about yourself.
And also things which you've been trying to deny. Damn cool.
It also recommends careers which suit your character, and all the careers recommended to me are not what I'm studying to be right now.
Nothing. Nada.
The first one recommended was performing arts.
Which tells me that I should be taking Eng Lit instead of frickin Further Math...

Sigh. So many bad decisions. I don't even know exactly what I should do right now.
Drop further math? Or go on with it? Take it till I can't take it anymore?

My eyebrows need to be shaped.
And I need to stop waiting for people who don't even know I'm waiting for them.
Labels: random musings, random update
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