Sunday, October 29, 2006

I still think you're WEIRD.

Yes, I do.

Its kinda weird, when I think about how we first met.
Or rather, how I first noticed your existence haha.
You were running in the third floor corridor with your long flowy hair untied hahahaha.

Its kinda weird, when I think about the times my other friends and I used to talk about how weird you are during form 2.
You'd comb your hair in class, and during exams..

Its kinda weird, when I recall the time I felt someone feel my hair (which was then tied up into a ponytail) while I was waiting under the small shade.
I also remember it was raining bastards and bitches.
I aptly turned around, and saw you there.
"Did you do rebonding? Damn soft.."
"Er, no.. " I replied, while thinking to myself, damn freaky weiy..
It happened during form 2.

Its kinda weird, when I recall the time I found out you were pretty good friends with Ying Xian and Sarah, since you three were in the same class during form 3.
I was like, owhkaaay...
Yes, I admitt; I was still skeptical.

Its kinda weird, when I started form 4 by changing to a stream and a class where none of my old friends were.
I changed to a class with you in it, amongst other people.
I didn't know what I was getting myself into, but I plunged in anyway.

Its kinda weird, the first time you moved your seat next to mine.
"Err.. what are you doing here?" I asked in the most polite tone I could manage, trying hard to hide my annoyance.
"Its damn hot sitting there lah, so I sit here for awhile."
I sighed.

Its kinda weird, when I think about the time you had asked to share my textbook when you had not brought yours.
"Can I share you textbook? I didn't bring mine.."
"Er, owhkay." I said, as I moved my textbook closer to you by less than 2 inches.

Its kinda weird, when I think about the time I waited patiently for 2o minutes by myself after you left the photostat shop, just so I could photostat my AddMaths textbook for you.
I had accomplished the task without getting annoyed or angry,
which was pretty weird, seeing as I am a very impatient person.

Its kinda weird, when I think about the first time I noticed that I was starting to enjoy your company, and that I could laugh freely with you, and say whatever I want without being judged.

Its kinda weird, when I think about how a school day can be so boring and difficult when you're not around.

Its kinda weird, when I think about how much I've come to depend on you.

You seem to have become the one who helps me keep my sanity in my very insane world.

I know that there were times when I took you for granted,
and I hurt you, and I made you feel lowly about yourself.
I'm sorry. I promise I'll do whatever I can so I won't make you feel that way anymore.

Thank you,
for putting up with my shit for the past 10 months.

Thank you,
for sharing my joys and my sorrows with me.

Thank you,
for being there for me when I had no one else.

And lastly, but definitely not least;

Thank you

for being my FRIEND.

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I love youuuu, Machi.
Happy Birthday.

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Blogger may yi said...

its kinda weird dat u're putting so many its kinda weird all over the place. hahaha
im glad i knew you too!
love u boo boo

Sunday, October 29, 2006 4:02:00 pm  

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