Sunday, August 27, 2006

Take Me Away

Gah shouldn't have drank so much beer last night.
Having a slight headache now..
I had fun being tipsy though.
Cos when I'm tipsy I'm extra happy haha.
Its fun, really.

Went for some AIA dinner last night.
The theme was Hawaiian Night (but we decided to screw the theme and just wear whatever we want. I mean, they can't kick us out, right?)
I was invited by my mum's friend;
to teman her daughter, Serena.
Serena and I are golf buddies haha.
She plays MUCH better than I do, thankfully.
And she has a cool English accent since she used to live in London.
Haha anyway, the food was pretty owhkay. I liked the chicken.
And they had sharks fin soup, too.
We missed the first course due to our lack of sense of punctuality.

The whole night consisted of us talking about lesbians,
Serena thinking I'm lesbian/Bi,
Us watching this woman sitting opposite us acting like she was drunk, (shouting, laughing REALLY loudly, kissing her husband in public, laughing REALLY loudly)
I say acting like she was drunk because she didn't drink any beer;
Serena and I had 2 glasses of beer each at the time and were more sober than her,
Us eating,
Us eating even more,
Us eating almost everything..
Eiih, if we didn't eat up everything, the food would've just went to waste.
And that pretty much sums up what we did last night.

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Haha I bet you're so sick of seeing our faces now.
Gosh almost ALL the pictures turned out ugly..
Owh well, its not like I'm very pretty anyway haha.

Hmm Im saying weird things again I wonder whether I may still be a little tipsy even after so long..

The ride home was fun.
Serena's mum was a little tipsy, too and she was saying weird things,
which cracked us up.
Hmm yeah. Then I went home to sober myself up.

I am going to go eat now.
Where the hell is my mum..



Blogger may yi said...

i haven ate in mandarin oriental yet : (

Sunday, August 27, 2006 9:53:00 am  

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