Sunday, August 20, 2006

Love Me Tender

I've always wondered why guys like to treat us girls this way.
I mean, they always do the same thing, dance the same dance.
They push you out, and then they twirl you back in in a flourish.
And we girls, just, fall right back in to their arms;
eventhough we know we're just going through the same cycle..
and we'd get hurt again.

One of my close friends (I won't mention who) met this guy about 4 months back.
He was sweet and all and they clicked instantly.

She was always excited when she was about to go and meet him,
made me feel excited for her, too haha.
The first time he came over to see her was a Thursday.
She was jumping up and down and making funny faces out of excitement.

After that they really got into it. As their relationship grew,
she was happy everyday. They did almost everything couples did,
took pictures of themselves kissing..
And then the shit started.
They argued.. she cried, he didn't care.
She waits for his call, his sms, even a "hi" on msn would do.
And slowly.. he just stopped everything.
Stopped comunicating completely.. everything.

But my friend, being the strong person that she is, and also the fact that their little rendevouz didn't exactly last long, got over it soon enough.
As I, and outsider witnessed all the events happening..
it reminded me much of my own experiences.
I always manage to brush them away, but as I was looking through my picture folder,
I came across this photo that they (my friend and that guy) had taken.
And I started to think about how they had felt during the climax of their short time together,
how she felt when everything started going downhill,
how he felt when everything started going downill,
and I also wondered, perhaps, had they ever thought of what would've been?
Or what could've been?

Then I start to hurt again.. that same hurt I felt when all that shit happened to me.
I mean, I'm totally over that guy. I don't think of him anymore..
just that at times like these.. I am suddenly at a lost for words.
No matter how much I am over him, he will always, always own a part of me.
And that small part of me still hurts because of him, sometimes, albeit very seldomly.
That small part of me still thinks of what would have been, and what could have been.
And that small part of me, will always want him.
Eventhough he always does that dance with me..
Pushing me out, and then twirling me right back into his arms.

I love you.
Don't say things you don't mean..
especially when I know you don't mean them.

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Blogger may yi said...

you know , your post sounds so damn familiar.
i have a feeling i know who are they =O!! X)
i know how you feel la babe ^^
dont wry , if no guys wants us.
we shall be lesbians partners for life :D

Monday, August 21, 2006 7:18:00 am  
Blogger User said...

Chingg..u should be a writer or something.beautiful post.even if yr layout ever goes berzerk again i shall still be a faithful reader to yr blog =D

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 8:25:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

chingy, yeah ur so right =/ But seeing as most guys are dunguheads with no brains and no heart at our to wait til we're adults eh?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 2:35:00 pm  
Blogger Dina said...

Eh Ching, why not be a BEARhunter?

Hunt the BEAR down and kill it.


Hm, I'm not funny anymore.
Sometimes I don't even get myself.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 5:21:00 pm  
Blogger hweeching said...

Machi: Haha Im sure you do.

Sam: Gosh, you are so sweet. :)

Anon (I presume you're HweeLynn. Are you?): Hah yeah. But you know, there's a saying which goes, "Guys don't mature til the age of 30. ost of them don't mature at all."

Wednesday, August 23, 2006 12:31:00 pm  

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