Tuesday, July 14, 2020


Holy Jesus 

Monday, July 06, 2020

I feel like shit

I feel like my life is unravelling at the seams 

I feel useless 

There’s so much, and I don’t know where to start 

I want this all to end 

I don’t want to feel this way anymore 

What else can I do 

I feel so trapped like there’s no way out 

What do I do?
How does this end? 

Will I survive? 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Is this what success is supposed to feel like?

If this is what success feels like, why do I feel so desolate?

If this is what it means to be successful, should I not be feeling... happy? Driven to achieve more? Proud?

Why do I feel like I’m constantly in trouble?

Why is there such a heavy weight on my chest?

Why do I feel so alone? 

Why do I feel so trapped?

Why am I fighting the urge to crumble to the ground in a heap of tears and utter sadness 

Why is this happening?  


What do I do now?