I go a'walkin' after midnight, out in moonlight just like we used to do
Yes hello it has been a million years.
I know I've been MIA, but then again, there was no action. Well none besides college and Aiman lah.
Which means there has been none. HAHA.
But I shall update for the sake of updating, before I completely lose the whole blogging thing.
So er.... today I went to the gym?
Right. Today I had to apply the saying 'we must learn to laugh at ourselves'. Because I have very bad body coordination.
Right so this morning I thought to myself, 'let's not waste mummy's money and make full use of that gym.'
I use a lot of the equipment and the steam room (omg LOVE that place) and the sauna, but have never actually attended any of the classes, so I thought 'hmmm why not go join one today, since working out by myself using the equipment with only my thoughts for company gets kinda boring and every time I walk pass that place the people inside look like their having so much fun jumping around to the loud music and stuff.' wow what a long thought HAHA!
So I went to join the Body Step class. I chose that one because my coworker told me that was her favorite class.
Well... I shall not say much about how it went because I do not want to relive that partially horrible and partially embarrassing memory.
Let's just say that the teacher (is that what you call the guy who guides the class?) kept saying "The girl in the I<3NY shirt, watch the lady in the front and follow her" (this lady was like 50+ and she was doing the moves like a fucking pro whilst I was fumbling the whole way through =.= and she looks like May Ee's aunty)
and "I<3NY look here look here LISTEN TO ME HEY HERE HERE" (I can't fucking watch the lady in front, listen to you and try to get the moves right all at once laaaa OK??)
and "I<3NY you're making me dislike New York... get the next one right and I may just like New York again" (at this point I was just covering my face)
The only good thing I got out of the whole class was that it was a good workout. Sweat balls. Damn 7 tired also.
But I think I shall just try something that doesn't require much body coordination the next time ha ha...
Err... k I shall post on Valentine's Day.
Yes I know Valentine's Day was like 2 months ago, but I like la ok.
K photobucket doesn't wanna upload my photos so we'll just skip that. I'll back track if I remember to later on.
Owh yes, I followed Aiman to go play CS.
Wanted to act good girlfriend, which I did.
But I was fucking bored weiiy.
Hence the pictures:


Eih bubu your iPhoen camera quite suck right? HEHEHEHEHE

Does anyone wanna guess how much those headphones cost?
The brand is.. er... siberia something something. HAHAHA.

GeeruFf <3 Chingy

Baby in action

Owhkay another reason why the iPhone sucks: I have tried rotating those pictures like 2394823 times, and after I'm done it just goes back to the way it was.
Which answers your question of why the pictures are all not upright.
And the main reason why the iPhone sucks: I do not own one. HAHAHAHHA.
Mmm k now let's fast forward to errr 4 days ago. Went to watch this Malaysian Production (a Yasmin Ahmad film) called Talentime.
If I'm not wrong this fellar who's in our school now acts in it.

The main actor is very cute ^^.
Well, my take on the movie is that there's too many story lines jumbled into one movie, and some of the lines came off as trying hard to be funny (e.g. Did she say 'arse'? Well that used to be my favorite word. My favorite word now is 'dick' -- wtf la?) and some of the acting is quite bad. Haha.
But I enjoyed the music, Bubu likes the song 'Ore Piya' (kept singing it in the car on the way home) and my favorite line was 'life is like a black man's left ball (testicle); it's not right and it's not fair.' BAHAHA!

He grabbed my phone and took these pictures of himself. I SWEAR!

Mushroom Chicken cheese baked rice.
Of course, Kimgary's is better hehe.

Now let's rewiiiinndd to Valentine's Day.
We had dinner in Sakae Sushi, went to KLIA to see Patrick off, and then went to see planes land!
It was quite cool haha. Took a lot of videos, but I'm lazy to upload.

What's Valentine's Day without flowers, yes?

and yummy foood?


My Mr. Henskem

Yes I have a super big hamtaro on my bed.
And yesterday we went to Malacca!
Aiman had some translating thing to do there so we went on a road trip.
It got quite stressful at some parts because I'm not good with directions, and he is an impatient person.
But hmm.. I would say I quite enjoyed myself.
I want to go baccckkkk I wanna see museums and eat more chicken rice balls and asam pedas!

Been very lazy to put on make up these days.

omg my finger ==

I love looking at old architecture..


He kept walking in front of the camera when I was trying to take pictures =.=

On the way to MMU!
I was so hyped up over chicken rice balls cos everytime I mentioned that I was going to Malacca the person listening would always say something like "to do what? eat chicken rice balls?" or "chicken rice balls?" or "buy chicken rice balls for me?"
So I damn excited over the chicken rice balls la.
Then when we went to yumcha with Nick he said "chicken rice balls SUCK la I go chicken rice balls shop I order normal chicken rice"
I was quite sore la haha. :(
But Ihad them for breakfast this morning and they were YUMMYY!
I loike la. I want eat again, Bubuuuuuu!
Ah k I think that's enough for a proper update.
Time to talk to my baby on the phone heeee TATA!
And if y'all are thinking "what the fuck damn fucking boring weiy all she EVER talks about it Aiman Aiman Aiman bubukins babykins curlykins BLAH"
Well, I did warm you waaayyyy at the top of the post that quote, "I know I've been MIA, but then again, there was no action. Well none besides college and Aiman lah."
See, college and Aiman. And as I've mentioned before, all I ever do in college is go for class, eat, and talk nonsense to Leysha.
So I've only Aiman to talk about.
Which to me... isn't sad at all. <3
I know I've been MIA, but then again, there was no action. Well none besides college and Aiman lah.
Which means there has been none. HAHA.
But I shall update for the sake of updating, before I completely lose the whole blogging thing.
So er.... today I went to the gym?
Right. Today I had to apply the saying 'we must learn to laugh at ourselves'. Because I have very bad body coordination.
Right so this morning I thought to myself, 'let's not waste mummy's money and make full use of that gym.'
I use a lot of the equipment and the steam room (omg LOVE that place) and the sauna, but have never actually attended any of the classes, so I thought 'hmmm why not go join one today, since working out by myself using the equipment with only my thoughts for company gets kinda boring and every time I walk pass that place the people inside look like their having so much fun jumping around to the loud music and stuff.' wow what a long thought HAHA!
So I went to join the Body Step class. I chose that one because my coworker told me that was her favorite class.
Well... I shall not say much about how it went because I do not want to relive that partially horrible and partially embarrassing memory.
Let's just say that the teacher (is that what you call the guy who guides the class?) kept saying "The girl in the I<3NY shirt, watch the lady in the front and follow her" (this lady was like 50+ and she was doing the moves like a fucking pro whilst I was fumbling the whole way through =.= and she looks like May Ee's aunty)
and "I<3NY look here look here LISTEN TO ME HEY HERE HERE" (I can't fucking watch the lady in front, listen to you and try to get the moves right all at once laaaa OK??)
and "I<3NY you're making me dislike New York... get the next one right and I may just like New York again" (at this point I was just covering my face)
The only good thing I got out of the whole class was that it was a good workout. Sweat balls. Damn 7 tired also.
But I think I shall just try something that doesn't require much body coordination the next time ha ha...
Err... k I shall post on Valentine's Day.
Yes I know Valentine's Day was like 2 months ago, but I like la ok.
K photobucket doesn't wanna upload my photos so we'll just skip that. I'll back track if I remember to later on.
Owh yes, I followed Aiman to go play CS.
Wanted to act good girlfriend, which I did.
But I was fucking bored weiiy.
Hence the pictures:


Eih bubu your iPhoen camera quite suck right? HEHEHEHEHE

Does anyone wanna guess how much those headphones cost?
The brand is.. er... siberia something something. HAHAHA.

GeeruFf <3 Chingy

Baby in action

Owhkay another reason why the iPhone sucks: I have tried rotating those pictures like 2394823 times, and after I'm done it just goes back to the way it was.
Which answers your question of why the pictures are all not upright.
And the main reason why the iPhone sucks: I do not own one. HAHAHAHHA.
Mmm k now let's fast forward to errr 4 days ago. Went to watch this Malaysian Production (a Yasmin Ahmad film) called Talentime.
If I'm not wrong this fellar who's in our school now acts in it.

The main actor is very cute ^^.
Well, my take on the movie is that there's too many story lines jumbled into one movie, and some of the lines came off as trying hard to be funny (e.g. Did she say 'arse'? Well that used to be my favorite word. My favorite word now is 'dick' -- wtf la?) and some of the acting is quite bad. Haha.
But I enjoyed the music, Bubu likes the song 'Ore Piya' (kept singing it in the car on the way home) and my favorite line was 'life is like a black man's left ball (testicle); it's not right and it's not fair.' BAHAHA!

He grabbed my phone and took these pictures of himself. I SWEAR!

Mushroom Chicken cheese baked rice.
Of course, Kimgary's is better hehe.

Now let's rewiiiinndd to Valentine's Day.
We had dinner in Sakae Sushi, went to KLIA to see Patrick off, and then went to see planes land!
It was quite cool haha. Took a lot of videos, but I'm lazy to upload.

What's Valentine's Day without flowers, yes?

and yummy foood?


My Mr. Henskem

Yes I have a super big hamtaro on my bed.
And yesterday we went to Malacca!
Aiman had some translating thing to do there so we went on a road trip.
It got quite stressful at some parts because I'm not good with directions, and he is an impatient person.
But hmm.. I would say I quite enjoyed myself.
I want to go baccckkkk I wanna see museums and eat more chicken rice balls and asam pedas!

Been very lazy to put on make up these days.

omg my finger ==

I love looking at old architecture..


He kept walking in front of the camera when I was trying to take pictures =.=

On the way to MMU!
I was so hyped up over chicken rice balls cos everytime I mentioned that I was going to Malacca the person listening would always say something like "to do what? eat chicken rice balls?" or "chicken rice balls?" or "buy chicken rice balls for me?"
So I damn excited over the chicken rice balls la.
Then when we went to yumcha with Nick he said "chicken rice balls SUCK la I go chicken rice balls shop I order normal chicken rice"
I was quite sore la haha. :(
But Ihad them for breakfast this morning and they were YUMMYY!
I loike la. I want eat again, Bubuuuuuu!
Ah k I think that's enough for a proper update.
Time to talk to my baby on the phone heeee TATA!
And if y'all are thinking "what the fuck damn fucking boring weiy all she EVER talks about it Aiman Aiman Aiman bubukins babykins curlykins BLAH"
Well, I did warm you waaayyyy at the top of the post that quote, "I know I've been MIA, but then again, there was no action. Well none besides college and Aiman lah."
See, college and Aiman. And as I've mentioned before, all I ever do in college is go for class, eat, and talk nonsense to Leysha.
So I've only Aiman to talk about.
Which to me... isn't sad at all. <3
Labels: random update
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