Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dear Ms/Mrs/Mr I-love-to-interfere-because-I'm-too-bloody-free-at-home

I'm sure those of you who have been reading this blog, my blog, would have noticed that I post on my personal life 99.9% of the time. And I even write about some of my intimate personal details.

I don't care if you judge me or comment on the pictures I post up or what I write about or how I write about it.
I won't even tell you to mind your own business.

Because I understand fully well that I had given you readers the right to judge and comment when I had posted all those personal things about myself.

As you can see above: screw what all of you think. I don't care.

I have something to ask of all of you though, and that is to not tell me what to do.

Don't tell me things, or tell other people knowing that it would come back to me such as:

"You shouldn't post up such pictures" or "You should not reveal so much about your personal life".

Everything I have posted up on this blog, my personal blog, I have thought twice about the consequences and the outcome of my doing.

So, what I've been trying to say is, I'd appreciate it very much if you would refrain from encroaching on my right to write whatever I want on this blog; MY blog.

In other words, don't tell me what to do.

I'm sure YOU don't like to be told what to do, yes?

For this reason, I have taken out the links to my archives.
I'm just too lazy to deal with you interfering (intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner; "an interfering old woman"; - taken from Dictionary.com, 1st result) idiots. I will not be stifled.



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