Saturday, October 06, 2007

I've never been perfect, but neither have you.

Owhkay I know my blog's damn boring.
A lot of emo shit happened the past few days.
First the shit with my transport lady; if you're wondering how much trouble can a transport lady cause let me tell you this, A LOT. Especially when she has so much emotional baggage and is a little crazy due to the emotional baggage which she can't seem to let go of.
Then there was the TopShop student lock-in which I MISSED, and I am still emo over that.
Waaaahhhhh emo laaaaaaaa.
Faktor emo yang seterusnya adalah saya tidak boleh fokus dalam pelajaran saya dan SPM adalah hanya 37 HARI LAGI.
Saya berasa sangat GG-fied sekarang.
Selain itu, saya juga tidak mempunyai sedikit pun determinasi untuk mengulang kaji.
Ha ha ha jangan kata mengulang kaji, perkataan yang sepatut digunakan adalah 'belajar' kerana apabila guru tengah mengajar dalam kelas saya tengah daydreaming (what's day dreaming in BM again?) about McD's.

Heh so anyway.
I promise, there will be a proper post with many pictures for you lazy shitheads who don't like to read to view.

I added more stuff to my selltrade page, go check it out people.



And today is Stephanie Wong's birthday.
Everyone go wish her please.
Don't need to buy her anything la, that woman has everything already.... hehe. :D

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Wong and I

I have pics of us when we were std 6 and all, but I'm not gonna post them up cos it reminds me of my uglier self during my childhood days when my mata was sepet and I thought I was so cool. Ha ha.
See, this one so nice. Can see your dimple. :)


Owh yes one more thing.
I'm in debt.
So help me out and click on the nuffnang ad right after this post, sil vous plait?
Thank you terima kasih xie xie arigatou gracias kam siah haha I'm becoming a loser.
May and Slimy, don't you DARE say I already am one. :(

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