Thursday, August 16, 2007


When I finish secondary school, I won't say that I miss school.
Because I don't miss school, I just miss doing the stupid things with the stupid people in my class, such as belting out Avril Lavigne's When You're Gone super loud and of course very off key.

We don't like the song, don't even know why we sing it haha.


Exam stress and excessive hormones due to my uterus collapsing has resurrected the half dried up pimple at the corner of my mouth.
It's now a full fledged fucking volcano, ready to spew it's molten pus =.=
It reared its ugly head this morning.

I tried to stop it's resurrection by using all kinds of pimple gels and what not,
but all I managed to do was dry up the skin around the pimple; leaving no damage to the bloody volcano whatsoever.

Omg la I don't care I'll squeeze it tomorrow morning :(


Hell am I glad for the brief reprieve from gay trials.
Too bad I ain't got any money left to even watch a movie. =.=
I still haven't seen The Simpson's laaaaaa.
Someone take pity on this broke, fat, pimply, broke, fat, fat, fat, fat girl and take her go watch The Simpson's please please please.

I'm such a sad person la.

Mmmm hungry better go sleep now before I go eat HI JIA WEN haha byeeeeeeeee.

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