Can someone please tell me what exactly is the situation right now?
I know in my previous post I sounded quite happening.
But as it turns out, I am actually quite UN-happening.
Supposed to go to MOS tonight, but got canceled since... why ar? I know Kalkena has got SAT exam this sat (I signed up for the one in November)... but what about the rest?
Anyway it doesn't matter, my daddy won't let me out anymore tonight.
And I'm also kinda beat. It's been quite a tiring past few days, plus last night I didn't sleep well...
Mm. Bah anyhow, pictures from Jas's (my favorite punjabi friend) birthday thing is La Bodega last... I can't remember the day. And I'm too lazy to check so fuck it lah haha.
This is actually the first recorded outing with my college friends.
You will realize in the pictures that they are ALL indians and punjabis or half indian half punjabi.
And one malay fella. Haha.
26th Sept 2008

Apple Strudle.
Not very nice.

Leysh with eyes closed haha

Ashvin and I

The only malay fella; Dassila (hehe always tease him cos it sounds like a girl's name), and Birthday Boy; Jasrinderjit (typical punjabi name man)

We did this like 982374395823482 times that night =.=

The compulsory Flaming Lamborghini

You all remember Joel Prashant from college?

Owhkay I extra retarded when I'm very tipsy.

Looks like a Lychee Martini, but according to Ashvin, it isn't.
Nevertheless, this and 4 beers had my head up in the clouds haha.
And turned me into a lobster heh.

Birthday Boy and a lobster

Mr. Potato and I!
My eyes get so small when I'm tipsy.

Srs airbag man.
Inside joke haha.
After that I went and gobbled down some garlic cheese naan and tandoori chicken, then felt like puking.
Damn champion lah.
1st Oct 2008
First Raya without Dina. Went to her house as usual for open house, but this time she wasn't there haha.
It felt like she was in the toilet or entertaining other people the entire night, not like she's in another country, few thousand miles away.
Her room looks as if she still slept in it the last night. :(
I MISS YOU, DINA. :(:(:(
I look all sticky and icky cos I had just worked a 12hour shift k.
I have a right to look sticky and icky after working a 12hour shift.

With Aunty Farah :)

With Dina (she's invisible k)

Still invisible haha

and... yeah.
K now I'm feeling kinda heavy. :(

Place of many fond memories

Hey Stevie haha


We didn't bond this time, Adriaaann

Mmm yes. I feel so worn out, really.
Just as well I have the whole of tomorrow to recuperate and run errands.
Oooh ooh if a pack of biscuits and a burger fell from a building, which one would hit the floor first?
The Burger!
Why? Because burgers are FAST FOOD! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
But as it turns out, I am actually quite UN-happening.
Supposed to go to MOS tonight, but got canceled since... why ar? I know Kalkena has got SAT exam this sat (I signed up for the one in November)... but what about the rest?
Anyway it doesn't matter, my daddy won't let me out anymore tonight.
And I'm also kinda beat. It's been quite a tiring past few days, plus last night I didn't sleep well...
Mm. Bah anyhow, pictures from Jas's (my favorite punjabi friend) birthday thing is La Bodega last... I can't remember the day. And I'm too lazy to check so fuck it lah haha.
This is actually the first recorded outing with my college friends.
You will realize in the pictures that they are ALL indians and punjabis or half indian half punjabi.
And one malay fella. Haha.
26th Sept 2008

Apple Strudle.
Not very nice.

Leysh with eyes closed haha

Ashvin and I

The only malay fella; Dassila (hehe always tease him cos it sounds like a girl's name), and Birthday Boy; Jasrinderjit (typical punjabi name man)

We did this like 982374395823482 times that night =.=

The compulsory Flaming Lamborghini

You all remember Joel Prashant from college?

Owhkay I extra retarded when I'm very tipsy.

Looks like a Lychee Martini, but according to Ashvin, it isn't.
Nevertheless, this and 4 beers had my head up in the clouds haha.
And turned me into a lobster heh.

Birthday Boy and a lobster

Mr. Potato and I!
My eyes get so small when I'm tipsy.

Srs airbag man.
Inside joke haha.
After that I went and gobbled down some garlic cheese naan and tandoori chicken, then felt like puking.
Damn champion lah.
1st Oct 2008
First Raya without Dina. Went to her house as usual for open house, but this time she wasn't there haha.
It felt like she was in the toilet or entertaining other people the entire night, not like she's in another country, few thousand miles away.
Her room looks as if she still slept in it the last night. :(
I MISS YOU, DINA. :(:(:(
I look all sticky and icky cos I had just worked a 12hour shift k.
I have a right to look sticky and icky after working a 12hour shift.

With Aunty Farah :)

With Dina (she's invisible k)

Still invisible haha

and... yeah.
K now I'm feeling kinda heavy. :(

Place of many fond memories

Hey Stevie haha


We didn't bond this time, Adriaaann

Mmm yes. I feel so worn out, really.
Just as well I have the whole of tomorrow to recuperate and run errands.
Oooh ooh if a pack of biscuits and a burger fell from a building, which one would hit the floor first?
The Burger!
Why? Because burgers are FAST FOOD! HAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Labels: funandgames, random update
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