Sunday, January 28, 2007


Jade will be flying tonight.
The next time I see her again would be in Dec, when all is over.
The debates, the countless exams, SPM...
Its gonna one helluva long year.
I sure hope I survive.

Many times I've asked myself, who am I to scrutinize and judge others and their weaknesses when I have aplenty of them myself?
In fact, I've much more than many other people.
But yet I give out judgemental comments and and tell them what they should do as if I have none at all.
And afterthat the question of what right do I have always follows.
I have, in fact, no right whatsoever.
And then more questions start appearing;
What happened to the girl who once was so strong? What happened to the girl who could describe the way she felt with the words she wanted? What happened to the girl who used to be able to fix everything she started and spoiled? What happened to the girl who had many caring about her? Why is she like that now? What has changed? What is happening to me?

I don't have any answers to any of those questions.

And to whom it may concern,
I know my self esteem is currently non-existent, but I don't need that pointed out owhkay?
I know. I know it myself, and I'm dealing with it.
Unless you have any good advice, please don't do it again.
It hurts me alot, owhkay? Not annoyingly a lot, but painfully a lot.



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