Fairy tales don't always have a happy ending, do they
Well, it's been a month since I got here.
It feels like I just left home yesterday. Maybe it's because I don't have any friends yet HAHA :( But yeah I've become such a hermit I've not been trying to make friends either heh.
I've been going to Central London to hang with Grace (and May Ee) during the weekends; we've been shopping (well Grace and I have been window shopping haha) and eating yummy food.
All of which has made me very poor and which is why I won't be going again this weekend haha!
Well last week Jon came from Portsmouth for the weekend and so the few of us (Wei Kit, May, Grace and I) went around shopping eating shopping eating and talking cock.
Oooh and Jon belanja-ed May and I Angus Steakhouse heeeeeee I didn't take any pictures of food or anything whilst we were there cos I was too busy stuffing myself haha.
K random pictures I'm skyping with Aiman right now and I can't talk to him and write at the same time my multi tasking skills (or rather lack thereof) are no good.

My eyebags are huge man wtf

The guys shopped more than the girls ok they even tried on skinny jeans and apparently they look really good in them HAHA

What I love most about England: The architecture of the buildings.

Chinatown! Best place haha

In the tube on the way to somewhere

In the tube coming back from somewhere
Jon looks so cutteee righttt

Omg... Jon is TALL? I know the last time you saw him he was short as ever but he had a sudden growth spurt and now he is tall!

Oh haha he's not tall! He's just getting in touch with his foxy feminine side by wearing May Ee's 7 inch heels haha.

May Ee was going to wear her heels out but decided against it since she would be towering over him. I was like "aiyaaa nothing one laaa" but after she put them on and stood beside him, I finally understood what she meant. Hahahahhaa poor Jon :)

Trafalgar Square

Double decker bus

Duno what building this is haha

Balloons in the sky!

If you people are in malaysia pls go to Tmn Paramount and eat Sunrise duck rice pls it is TEH BOMB and is only about RM12 each ok I paid £5 that's like RM30 for this dish. But money well spent, I don't regret it at all.
Grace said I ate with such relish that even she, a non-meat person, wanted to try it too. She then commenced taking ugly pictures of me while I was eating hahaha.

Ahhhhhhh thinking about it makes my mouth fill with saliva...

The best part of the duck, the skiiinnn oooooommmgggggg

AAHHHH k you know what I am going to Grace's place again this weekend I must have this duck rice agaaiiin. Also cos Im craving for nasi lemak sigh.
Ah right that's all for this post I need to go catch up on some reading now before I get reaaallllyyy left behind. =/
Mmmm potatoes.
It feels like I just left home yesterday. Maybe it's because I don't have any friends yet HAHA :( But yeah I've become such a hermit I've not been trying to make friends either heh.
I've been going to Central London to hang with Grace (and May Ee) during the weekends; we've been shopping (well Grace and I have been window shopping haha) and eating yummy food.
All of which has made me very poor and which is why I won't be going again this weekend haha!
Well last week Jon came from Portsmouth for the weekend and so the few of us (Wei Kit, May, Grace and I) went around shopping eating shopping eating and talking cock.
Oooh and Jon belanja-ed May and I Angus Steakhouse heeeeeee I didn't take any pictures of food or anything whilst we were there cos I was too busy stuffing myself haha.
K random pictures I'm skyping with Aiman right now and I can't talk to him and write at the same time my multi tasking skills (or rather lack thereof) are no good.

My eyebags are huge man wtf

The guys shopped more than the girls ok they even tried on skinny jeans and apparently they look really good in them HAHA

What I love most about England: The architecture of the buildings.

Chinatown! Best place haha

In the tube on the way to somewhere

In the tube coming back from somewhere
Jon looks so cutteee righttt

Omg... Jon is TALL? I know the last time you saw him he was short as ever but he had a sudden growth spurt and now he is tall!

Oh haha he's not tall! He's just getting in touch with his foxy feminine side by wearing May Ee's 7 inch heels haha.

May Ee was going to wear her heels out but decided against it since she would be towering over him. I was like "aiyaaa nothing one laaa" but after she put them on and stood beside him, I finally understood what she meant. Hahahahhaa poor Jon :)

Trafalgar Square

Double decker bus

Duno what building this is haha

Balloons in the sky!

If you people are in malaysia pls go to Tmn Paramount and eat Sunrise duck rice pls it is TEH BOMB and is only about RM12 each ok I paid £5 that's like RM30 for this dish. But money well spent, I don't regret it at all.
Grace said I ate with such relish that even she, a non-meat person, wanted to try it too. She then commenced taking ugly pictures of me while I was eating hahaha.

Ahhhhhhh thinking about it makes my mouth fill with saliva...

The best part of the duck, the skiiinnn oooooommmgggggg

AAHHHH k you know what I am going to Grace's place again this weekend I must have this duck rice agaaiiin. Also cos Im craving for nasi lemak sigh.
Ah right that's all for this post I need to go catch up on some reading now before I get reaaallllyyy left behind. =/
Mmmm potatoes.
Labels: funandgames
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