Friday, June 15, 2007

I.. can't tell the right from the wrong.

I bailed school today. Which means I skipped two periods of AddMaths haha.
Woke up with a sore throat, throbbing headache and just plain didn't wanna face the world today.
I keep running away.
That's all I seem to do these days.

Haha and like what Vincent said to me the other day- Just when you think life's a bitch, she has puppies.

I always took disappointments well, maybe it's because they keep happening to me or I'd just like to think that I'm a pretty strong person despite what I think of myself sometimes.

It's the estrogen. It makes me emotional, so emotional.
I couldn't hold the tears and when they started falling they just wouldn't stop even though I really wanted them to.

I tried, really, I did. It was so unexpected, and I guess that's what added to the anguish of it all.
I memorized everything! And now I think I really am stupid because I couldn't apply them.

The sympathetic looks thrown my way just added to the weight on my chest.
Thinking about how I was going to tell my mom just made the tears fall faster.

Ah well. I shouldn't take this so hard.

It's just another disappointment. What's new?

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The view from block A at 6:50 in the morn

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I wish I could look my reflection in the mirror and actually be proud of myself

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This is where I find solace

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And memories are all that I'm left with.

There's this form 3 guy who reminds me so much of you.
But he's not as tall, and not as aggressive haha.
He has that flashing smile like yours, though.
Although yours is definitely more flashing, cos you're darker in skin.
I miss my friend.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Reminds me of my moral paper during 1st term this year. I got a zero because I freaked out and couldn't remember anything x_X But that's not my point is, take it easy because there's still trials and spm. And I'm sure u can do it :D

Friday, June 15, 2007 7:08:00 am  
Blogger hweeching said...

Haha this is about my moral paper THIS term. =.=

Thanks. : )

Sunday, June 17, 2007 7:18:00 am  

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