I am an 18 year old with raging hormones.
Actually, WE are 18 year olds with raging hormones.
We; meaning JY, Baby (I mean May, not the fella with the curly hair. But he does... k nvmd hehe) and I.
And mahai I have a fucking sore throat. :(
And I lost my fisherman's friend. :(
Aaaaaahhhhhh. :(
Mmm I just got home from dinner with my baby.
Haven't seen her in a long time, and so since her birthday was last week (the 29th) we decided to have dinner.
This year's dinner pales so much in comparison to the last two birthdays I'd planned for her.
In fact, I didn't even plan anything haha!
It was just dinner; JY, May and I.
Ying Xian had something to do in college, Ashley had some family function, Adeline ended up not coming, Caryn's in some godforsaken place in Kedah, I forgot to call Mag (IM SORRY I spend you next time k) and so it was just the JY and us.
Sigh I remember the days when May and I used to share JY as our boyfriend because we were at the verge of becoming lesbians HAHA!

May's 16th birthday
(JY was still in Penang and we haven't met him yet haha!)

May's 17th birthday
K so this years:

I always get to decide where we eat hehehe.
I had a lot of prawns. Tomorrow lips confirm sore. Literally.

Hi baby. :)

Do not be deceived by their somber expressions.
Because just a minute before taking this picture we were talking about sex (actually that's all we talked about the entire time haha) and somber was definitely not the expression on our faces HAHA.

K so we both look retarded

And once again, I look like a mom.
And yes, I am wearing the same top I wore to May's birthday thing last year. =.=
I feel feverish. =/
And my throat is sooorreeeeeeeee :(:(:(

We; meaning JY, Baby (I mean May, not the fella with the curly hair. But he does... k nvmd hehe) and I.
And mahai I have a fucking sore throat. :(
And I lost my fisherman's friend. :(
Aaaaaahhhhhh. :(
Mmm I just got home from dinner with my baby.
Haven't seen her in a long time, and so since her birthday was last week (the 29th) we decided to have dinner.
This year's dinner pales so much in comparison to the last two birthdays I'd planned for her.
In fact, I didn't even plan anything haha!
It was just dinner; JY, May and I.
Ying Xian had something to do in college, Ashley had some family function, Adeline ended up not coming, Caryn's in some godforsaken place in Kedah, I forgot to call Mag (IM SORRY I spend you next time k) and so it was just the JY and us.
Sigh I remember the days when May and I used to share JY as our boyfriend because we were at the verge of becoming lesbians HAHA!

May's 16th birthday
(JY was still in Penang and we haven't met him yet haha!)

May's 17th birthday
K so this years:

I always get to decide where we eat hehehe.
I had a lot of prawns. Tomorrow lips confirm sore. Literally.

Hi baby. :)

Do not be deceived by their somber expressions.
Because just a minute before taking this picture we were talking about sex (actually that's all we talked about the entire time haha) and somber was definitely not the expression on our faces HAHA.

K so we both look retarded

And once again, I look like a mom.
And yes, I am wearing the same top I wore to May's birthday thing last year. =.=
I feel feverish. =/
And my throat is sooorreeeeeeeee :(:(:(

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