Wednesday, April 26, 2006


So many things happening this week.
There's I.U. practices for modelling, (yes, I'm in modelling despite my humongous size)
Debate discussion meetings on the motion,
'This House Would Ban Violent Video Games'
for the HELP U College 4th Annual Debate,
The debate competition 1st round on Saturday against SMI,
and IF we get through, the 2nd round on Sunday.
And if we do the debate on Sunday. I may be late for I.U.


Its weird, cos I know the 1st speaker from SMI.
Bryan remember? I mentioned him in my previous posts.
Sigh. I'm damned nervous. : (

For modelling, I got my cloth from Melissa today.
Steph, Dina and I got the last 3 ugliest colours cos everyone took the nicenice ones already.
But mine was still owhkay lahh,
I left Steph with this Indian-ish yellow,
and Dina a very funny kind of green.
Hehe Im so mean!
But still, when we chose those were the only ones left.

All this stress, lack of water and overdose on chocolate easter eggs
have given me a HUGE, yellow VOLCANO right under my right nostril.
Yes. A damned pimple. =/
Me no likey pimples.
In fact. Me hatey pimples.
I can't even rub my nose now,
cos it'll hurt and not to mention make it worst.
So annoying! >= (

I didn't get the modelling partner I wanted,
but heck he isn't even modelling.
Hahhahahha. Owh well. :)

Everything is clashing with one another.
Debate discussions and I.U. practices.
24 hours a day just isn't enough.
And their gonna announce the new BOD's tomorrow!
I'm so nervous about that too.
I'm not afraid if I lose the post,
but I am afraid that I'll be very dissapointed.
My life is filled with dissapointments, and I absolutely HATE them.
I hate the sinking feeling of failure and rejection.
Sigh. Im scared.

Owh well. Nothing I can do about it now.
Que Sera Sera.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg good luck for ur BOD thing wei...

Thursday, April 27, 2006 1:59:00 am  

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